There are very few issues more contentious than this one. Many strong feelings on both sides of the debate. One side claims the other is murdering babies. The other side retorts back a violation of civil liberties and abuse of a woman’s freedom.
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There are very few issues more contentious than this one. Many strong feelings on both sides of the debate. One side claims the other is murdering babies. The other side retorts back a violation of civil liberties and abuse of a woman’s freedom.
I have been on both sides of this debate and now find myself solidly standing on the side of belief in the Christian God.
How could I possibly stay an atheist with such a horrible, homophobic theory? The Gospel vehemently disagrees.
I cringe whenever I see one of those screaming, hate-sign-carrying church people. Please don’t tell me I have to call them my brethren. Ugh.
Previously, I discussed our atheistic culture and how its bankrupt ideology provided me with no meaningful answers to life.
Christians say they have faith. Atheists say they have science. Really? Truth is, we both have both.
There have been lots of questions about how I can be both an Atheist and a Christian. Maybe this blog entry will help clear it up.
When you have a story like mine, one of abuse, neglect, and powerlessness, you find yourself searching for answers – a desperate quest for meaning.
I tell my Atheist friends, “The only reason you are still an atheist is because you are bad at it.” I am a good atheist. That’s why I now believe in Jesus.
Yes, I am an atheist. And yes, I am a follower of Jesus. Now before you label me delusional, please read a bit further.