Why Be A Christian Atheist?
There have been lots of questions about how I can be both an Atheist and a Christian. Maybe this blog entry will help clear it up.
I’m Irritated. Lies bother me.
People who spread lies and claim to have the truth bother me even more. Now, doesn’t that sound like an atheist? After all, spreading lies while all the while claiming to have the truth is what Atheists claim Christians do.
“I am irritated by lies that claim to be truth. ”
When Atheists do that, it irritates me. When Christians do that, it irritates as well.
If I do my job in this Blog, I will irritate both Atheists and Christians. That’s fine. My hope is that I will irritate long enough and consistently enough to reach some semblance of true reality.
The one thing I promise to do is think. That’s it. Think. If you read on, then I am sure you are a thinker as well. And if you are still reading, I hope you will engage. I want to be challenged. I like to challenge others.
The Christianity I now believe in should be challenged.
It should be questioned. It should be required to stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny.
But the same rules apply to atheism.
It should be challenged, questioned and required to sustain the blows of combative inquiry.
If tenants of either belief system cannot stand up to this inspection, then it should be abandoned, or at least retuned and refined to be more closely aligned with reality.
How’s that for an Atheist? One who challenges and questions anything and everything and is not afraid of any reality. The Atheist honors intelligence, science and reality.
And how’s that for a Christian? One who is convinced that his new beliefs are unconquerable and can withstand any assault of time, logic or equity.
“The fact is, I am both of these things. - A Christian Atheist.”