The Faith of Science
Christians say they have faith. Atheists say they have science. Really?
Truth is, we both have both.
I know all sides of this argument. I have lived on both sides. And even though atheists hate to admit their faith, they do have it. Usually “sciency” sounding faith, but faith all the same.
There will be more to analyze here, but for now, here are some really big issues.
The Big Bang.
Christians and atheists agree. It happened. No controversy, right?
Not so fast.
Atheists say it happened on its own, without any help from outside the universe. Christians say God, an entity that exists outside the universe and outside space and time – He did it.
Atheists say that Christians are lazy thinkers who just press the “God” button every time they don’t understand something. In part, I agree with my atheist friends on this. I know some Christians do this. They earn the disrespect they get.
But before my atheist readers start to snicker, they should do some self-reflection. They have an equally lazy claim that science has an answer. But it just hasn’t found it yet. They too deserve disrespect for this thoughtless escape hatch.
And atheists seem so self-assured that it cannot possibly be God. But what scientific proof do atheists rely upon to prove the Big Bang didn’t have help from the Big Guy upstairs? Nothing actually. Not a shred of evidence.
Not only is there NO evidence that the Big Bang didn’t get a push, Science actually presents the opposite evidence. You heard that correctly. It’s not just that an atheistic Big Bang lacks a scientific answer. It VIOLATES the science we all know to be true.
That’s a big difference.
“It’s not just that an atheistic Big Bang lacks a scientific answer. It VIOLATES the science we all know to be true. ”
Science has proven an infinitesimal span of time called the Planck’s epoch. It’s a tiny speck of time before the Big Bang happened when there was nothing…. I mean nothing – no matter, no space, no time. Absolutely nothing.
So there was nothing. And then there was everything. All on its own.
I know atheists call Christians dumb. But if you sit quietly, you might be able to vaguely hear those atheists supporting this theory saying the magic words…. “Abra Cadabra” or “Ala Kasam”. That’s because it’s magic. Pure magic. Not only is there no science allowing for an atheistic Big Bang, current science says an atheistic Big Bang CANNOT HAPPEN. Not ever. Not possible. You simply cannot get everything from nothing. Not without enormous outside help.
That’s not the Christian faith talking. That’s the science that atheists rely upon, ringing in their ears.
Atheists say Christians have faith and they have science. But this violates science.
The famous scientist Richard Dawkins claims
“Science is working on this”.
- Well, I am working on my ability to fly like Superman. But it’s probably unlikely
- based upon the realities of science. And like all thinking and honest people, I need to let go of that hope because science tells me it cannot possibly happen.
There is no science to an atheistic Big Bang. It’s pure faith. But atheists don’t call it faith. They call it science. And then there is Evolution. For a discussion of that “sciency” sounding faith, check out the next blog.