God Doesn't Hate Gays. He Hates Hate!
In another blog, I look at how atheistic evolution has clear and obvious homophobic elements that are simply not addressed or admitted. But for now, let’s look at bad “church-speak”.
As an atheist, I am committed to the three areas of truth all atheists should cling to:
Logic, and
(See my blog series on the subject - click here)
From this process, I have become convinced that Jesus is what He said He was, Son of God and Savior of humanity.
However, when I became convinced of the Christian Gospel, it also put a pit in my stomach that somehow, I had to join the ranks of gay-hating churchgoers.
I cringe whenever I see one of those screaming, hate-sign-carrying church people. Please don’t tell me I have to call them my brethren. Ugh.
I grew up in a family of hate. I don’t want them in my family! This was a huge roadblock for me as an atheist and should be for anyone who wants to eliminate hate in our world.
If they are my brethren, then someone needs to tell them to go to their rooms and be quiet. So, I am going with alternative scripture that says the church is peppered with wolves that appear to be brethren. Wolves in sheep covered clothing, that’s what they must be.
To them I say, read your bible.
“Hate is from Hell. God Hates Hate!”
Now there are those other “brethren” that don’t hate gays, but they emphasize the judgement of sin. They too need to go to their rooms and read more of their Bibles. They are well meaning, but at best completely misread & misdirect what the Bible teaches.
The Bible is clear in Matthew 7:1 – DO NOT JUDGE lest you be judged. So to the well-meaning brethren, I say stay in your room until you understand.
Your role on this planet is not that of a judge.
So, stop!
We were never given that job and even when Jesus was here, he refused it for himself. The role of the Christian is to be the arms and hands and voice of Jesus. Using that to strong arm and sledgehammer people into submission must stop. These judgments by Christians are another form of hate and everyone knows it.
You don’t know what a person struggling with their sexuality goes through or has gone through. You don’t know the cry of their own hearts to their Creator.
But you should know you are not their judge.
Jesus said it.
“The entirety of the Gospel is summed up in two things: Love God and Love people. ”
So how about if all Christians just do that.