God Doesn't Hate Gays. Evolution Does
This is truly bothersome.
Having been an atheist, I automatically believed that the creation of the universe came through the natural processes, including evolution, ultimately leading to human beings.
But again, as I apply atheistic skepticism to evolution, it exposes very troubling results. A key component of evolution is Survival of the Fittest. This means that the animals which are most “fit” are allowed to pass their DNA onto the next generation. It explains how animals have adapted over millennia to different environments. It’s beautiful, really. I understand why atheistic evolutionists like it. It cannot possibly happen without a Designer because then it would violate the science that those atheists love to rely upon. Alas, a Blog for another time.
Evolution evidence is overwhelming, for the animal kingdom. Personally, I see no contradiction to the Bible on this point. (Coming soon: A Blog entitled “Help! God may be an Evolutionist.”). But when you apply the theory to humans, you end up with bad and offensive assumptions—Like this one.
According to the atheistic version of evolution, Nature has dictated the rules of who will pass their DNA to the next generation. According to today’s most ardent evolutionists Nature will only allow what they call beneficial attributes to pass through DNA onto the next generation. Those animals with non-beneficial attributes are considered “unfit” to participate.
This very simple theory, developed in the 1850’s, when applied to humans creates outrageous consequences. According to atheistic evolution, nature considers homosexuals unfit to pass on their DNA to the next generation. They believe nature has decided homosexuals, and their DNA, should die out in this generation.
God doesn’t say that. Evolution does.
That’s outrageous! How could I possibly stay an atheist with such a horrible, homophobic theory?
The Gospel vehemently disagrees.
It says all humans are made in God’s image regardless of sexual orientation, or any other attribute one may possess. Yes, even the atheists who hate the God who made them are made in the Image of that God. Resultantly, they possess intrinsic, incomprehensible value. He does not value people based upon DNA or their ability to pass it along.
“Everyone’s value is so much greater than that. Truly, Evolution is a really pathetic and denigrating way of looking at all humanity. ”
Humans are obviously something very different than animals. Even Darwin’s rudimentary science could identify that. Therefore, the rather blind application of evolution to humanity is, at best, ignorant of humanity’s unfathomable complexity and value. A value that God says applies to all humans, regardless of sexual orientation. We are all made in the Image of the Creator God and that gives each of us inestimable value today and for all time.
This may be the most distorted discussion of our age. Has everyone forgotten when this was developed? Atheistic evolution was established 170 years ago when the US held 4-million African Americans as slaves and legally considered them not fully human! No wonder this repugnant theory with its devaluing of humanity was accepted then. The question is, why is it still accepted now?
For another side to this discussion, be sure to read the next blog, “God Doesn’t Hate Gays, He Hates Hate!”