Confessions of a Christian Atheist
Let me introduce myself.
I am a businessman, an author and soon-to-be movie producer with my life story Liz Here Now. I am also a teaching pastor of my local church.
Plus, I am an atheist.
Yes, I know that sounds strange.
But it’s true.
Like all atheists, I have questioned the validity of faith. However, unlike most atheists, I have equally questioned atheism, demanding answers for the same questions posed to Christianity. The road has been peppered with lots of debate and research and study arriving at what I believe is the only viable destination – Jesus.
This blog outlines my strange journey. Thus, aptly named – The Confessions of a Christian Atheist.
So yes, I am an atheist. And yes, I am a follower of Jesus. Now before you label me delusional, please read a bit further.
I was raised to think like an atheist – to challenge everything, especially supposed facts not supported by viable realities. My mind has been trained to snoop out belief scantily disguised as fact. I question everything. I mean EVERYTHING, from the latest health news down to my car’s MPG stats which never seem to deliver, especially based upon my driving habits.
At this point, you’re asking the predictable question. And the answer is yes.
I’m a conundrum.
But I have no intention of changing any of that. I like thinking like an atheist. I find it to be a great way to analyze anything. I have applied all of this to the pursuit of finding meaningful answers to life’s questions. And to my complete surprise, that is exactly how I came to Christ. I believe any atheist who purely follows this pursuit honestly, without wavering into misguided leaps of faith, will find the Christian faith to be astoundingly plausible. For me, the road just leads there.
Christians tend to not have atheist friends. And atheists tend to not have Christian friends. I have both and love every minute of it. We live at a time when people reject anyone who doesn’t agree with them. I do just the opposite. I love people who disagree with me. I find them challenging and enlightening.
My good-hearted atheist friends always begin debating me with a kindly stated worry that they would most certainly “shake my faith”. In the beginning, I thought they might. Much to their disappointment, the opposite has occurred.
That has led me to a curious reaction to the current culture. I am troubled and irritated. I am troubled by what little confidence Christians have about their faith and its incredible believability. And I am wholeheartedly irritated at how much fake news there is about that faith. It’s astounding. So many people get it wrong.
So many are distorting history, misrepresenting science, and misquoting scripture. They turn the Christian God into a sort of diabolical straw man. This, of course, bates the obvious question, “You don’t believe in that do you?”
It’s fake news in its truest form. I make no comment on political fake news. But I am very troubled by the fake news about the Christian faith. A faith that embodies so many facts, it has convinced this formerly hardened atheist beyond reasonable measure.
It’s further disheartening to then watch many Christians not know how to challenge the fake news.
This blog outlines my journey.
I make one resolute promise. I will look at all sides of issues and yield to the most plausible answers. Yes, you heard that correct with its full implications. I will become an atheist if it can be proven to be the factual, scientific and solid rock its proponents believe it to be. But it must stand up to the same scrutiny targeting Christianity since Friedrich Nietzsche claimed God died over a century ago. So far, I have only seen atheism fall prostrate at the foot of Christianity.
That’s me. A Christian Atheist. And this Blog comprises the collection of my searching, my discoveries, and ultimately my “confessions” of what I find to be life’s most plausible realities.