Oh God! Is God An Evolutionist? || Part 4
OK, I have recapped my blogs in this series along the way. Briefly, they are capsulized as follows:
Part 1: The Bible and science are talking about two different things – there is no debate here.
Part 2: The Bible is being misinterpreted by many Christians. It allows for, and even corroborates the timeline beautifully, reflecting the characteristics of both the Big Bang and the 13.8 Billion years of the universe’s development.
Part 3: A pig with lipstick – The Atheism of science
And Now, Part 4: Christians have lipstick-laden pigs too!
For the Christian: Why are you arguing with scientific evidence? Fight the atheism behind the evidence, (or lack thereof). But stop fighting true science. Evolution is the prevailing theory of life’s beginnings. It has gaping holes and cannot fully be proven. It also cannot be disproven. And there is a lot of evidence supporting the theory. For those of you who struggle with this, you should read what Romans 1:20 says:
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made…”
Science represents the fingerprints of God – honest science, not the atheistic lies embedded within. We should not fight scientific discovery, even if it challenges our initial understanding of the scriptures. Do you remember Galileo and Copernicus? They discovered that the earth was not the center of the universe. The Church was ticked. Why? Because the church had the preconceived notion that if we are the “apple of God’s eye”, then we must live on a planet at the center of the heavens…. WRONG. And thankfully, scientific discovery continued despite the church’s ignorance.
So let’s not make that mistake again, OK? The battle makes no sense anyway. For Christian parents: Why are you setting up your kids to fight the wrong battle when they go to high school? Why are you using the Bible as a science book? It is not. Why are you arguing against the prevailing theory of today when the Bible leaves allowance for the theory? In fact, it may be signaling it.
I know with this last comment, I may have lost many Christian readers. But please bear with me on the next several points:
The Prevailing Theory :
Stop fighting this. Even as a Christian, you rely on many prevailing theories of science. They make your life work. They protect you and make sense out of this crazy world. Much of medicine operates this way. Just as one example, there is a prevailing theory that smoking cigarettes causes lung cancer. It is not a fact, even though it feels like it is. . Like evolution, it cannot be fully proven. It is not an inevitability because many people smoke their entire lives without contracting cancer. However, the prevailing theory has tremendous merit. It is backed by tons of science and statistics. The odds are with you should you choose to abide by this prevailing theory and choose to not smoke.
For me, I see the prevailing theory of evolution like a medical prevailing theory. It has a lot of facts but cannot be fully proven. Maybe it is true. Maybe not. Christians argue that it cannot be fully proven. I agree. It has gaping holes. But it also cannot be disproven.
But let me be clear. The atheist version of evolution is fully disproven by the science they claim to support. See Part 3 of this Blog series for more on that.
OK, Christians, hold onto your seat and put down the lipstick you are smearing on the unknown mysteries of the Bible. You are trying to turn them into concrete, scientific facts. It defies the faith you say you have. Christians who are insistently implanting science into the Bible are in the same camp as atheists who imbed atheism into science. You are no better than the popes who called Galileo and Copernicus heretics. It’s ignorance.
At least ask the salient question: Could evolution be something God used to create life on earth? Once again, I hear the whoosh of clicks as many of my “Brethren” move off this blog by now. But for those who remain, please consider this.
God uses natural processes to make stuff. God uses a nine-month process to make a human being. But don’t Christians say “God made me”? Well technically, the Bible says God doesn’t make new humans. He told Adam and Eve to do that. He told them to be “fruitful and multiply”. And with 7+ Billion new humans on the earth right now, I would say Adam and Eve and their progeny are rather good at that.
Another whoosh of religious clicks off this site…..
But don’t for one minute think I am reverting back to my atheist roots with that last statement. The process of human gestation is so miraculous and so amazing it cannot possibly be considered “man-made”, nor the absurd idea that it’s a product of some random chance as purported in the atheist’s version of evolution. It takes miraculous force to “form us in our mother’s womb” as the Bible indicates (Psalm 139:13). And no biology professor has any valid commentary as to how or why that happens without an incredible, knowledgeable, and powerful force behind it. Hmm. Sounds like the Biblical God to me.
According to Genesis, like with Adam and Eve, God didn’t actually make the animals. He told the Earth to do that. He used the same kind of instructions as He did with humans. Genesis 1:24 quotes God saying “Let THE EARTH bring forth the animals.” Did you see that? He DID NOT zap the animals into being. He commanded THE EARTH to do that. Couldn’t this be indicating that the animals came out of the Earth’s natural processes that HE established, and set into motion?
Further, the Hebrew word used for “bring forth” involves causality. That means the Bible is saying the causal force for animal creation is NOT directly God. The Earth is commanded to be the causal force for animal creation. Further, this came after the causal process of the oceans creating the sea creatures in Genesis 1:20. Evolution evidences both processes, and in that order, by the way.
So the Bible doesn’t actually contradict the essence of the evolutionary theories. Plus, Genesis is very clearly talking about processes with an unspecified amount of time involved.
(See analysis of the what a “Day” actually means in Genesis in Part 2 of this Blog series)
All of this is in direct contrast to what the Bible says about the Big Bang. God simply spoke that into existence. God said “Let there be light” in Genesis 1. Sounds like a Big Bang to me. God was the direct causal force. He did it. He didn’t tell others to do it. But after those words, God seems to have delegated much of the rest of it to others, like the Earth, the Seas, etc. These processes get us all the way to Day Six – the creation of humanity. In Day six, there is a different process involved for the initial creation of humankind. For a discussion of that, please see Part 5.