Oh God! Is God An Evolutionist? || Part 3
My first two blogs on this subject dealt with two aspects of evolution that can be quickly reframed as follows:
Part 1: The Bible and science are talking about two different things – there is no debate here.
Part 2: The Bible is being misinterpreted by many Christians. It allows for, and even corroborates the timeline beautifully, reflecting the characteristics of both the Big Bang and the 13.8 Billion years of the universe’s development.
Now, Part 3: A pig with lipstick.
The pig is atheism. The lipstick is true scientific discoveries but placed on the pig in an attempt to make atheism look “sciencey”. Our culture presumes science and atheism always go together – that science is inextricably attached to atheism. Added, is the arrogant, false presumption that if you believe in God, you have abandoned scientific discovery altogether.
It’s why many scientists put themselves at odds with Christians.
“Christians are not against science.
They are opposed to the atheism carefully woven into that science, claiming to be an integral part of science.”
It’s ironic really.
Atheism IS a faith position.
Atheists just can’t be honest about it. I call my faith, faith. They call their faith, “science”. See my blog on: “The Faith of Science”:
Atheists are not thinking this through. They ignore the facts. The atheist’s version of evolution violates the very science upon which they doggedly depend. No amount of atheist lipstick can change that. Life did not just spontaneously generate, with its incredible design and order - at least not without help from some sort of “BIG GUY” outside the universe. It violates the most basic laws of physics. The Second Law of Thermodynamics prohibits evolution or anything with order and design from simply “self-generating”. Atheists need to face those facts and simply be honest about it.
But they are not. And Richard Dawkins’ shade of pig lipstick, claiming “science is working on that problem” is not even remotely convincing. His claim fits my metaphor beautifully – just lipstick on a pig which makes no sense at all.
Unfortunately, this turns every atheistic cosmologist (According to Webster: an astronomer who studies the universe’s origins) into a lipstick-wielding cosmetologist (According to Webster: one who applies cosmetics). So the next time you meet an atheistic cosmologist, you can legitimately say, “Oh, you’re a cosmetologist.”
Evolution and the Big Bang cannot possibly happen without a REALLY BIG, REALLY POWERFUL, and REALLY SMART force beyond the universe.
That’s not a faith statement.
It’s a scientific fact.
But you cannot get an atheist to admit this. You can’t get a college professor to admit this, much less a high school biology teacher.
Don’t you find this to be odd?
I do.
They admit to all kinds of unknowns for which science provides no answers. They admit they don’t fully understand gravity. They admit the universe is supplied with 96% of “stuff” for which they have no understanding. They call that stuff dark matter and dark energy. It’s not “dark” because of color. It’s called dark because scientists have no clue what it is or why it’s there.
So why can’t they admit that atheistic evolution violates the most basic principles of physics – necessitating some other intelligent force? It’s so obvious. Science points to it. Why can’t they ever admit that? Not only that, but any suggestion that science may be pointing to a Designer, possibly the Biblical Creator, will get the most respected professor summarily fired.
That’s not science. It’s Atheism.
And in the case of the college professor, it’s a fascist version of atheism, lipstick-smeared fascism, but fascism all the same.
This debate is not about the prevailing theories of evolution.
It’s about the prevailing belief system - Atheism.
They can admit to all those other scientific unknowns because it doesn’t threaten their world view of an empty, meaningless universe. For the college professor, for the high school biology teacher – it is THEIR FAITH that will not let them be honest. It has nothing to do with the science. It is their atheistic faith that keeps them dutifully applying lipstick to the science that simply doesn’t work.
OK, now before the Christian thinks they have won the battle - not so fast. See Part 4 for the Christian to be more honest and to deal with scientific evidence that they see as inconvenient.